Parkinson's Support Group

March 20

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Karly Kuecker, Community Relations

CG Room at Waverly Health Center
312 9th St SW
Waverly , IA 50677

See map

This support group is free and open to all and meets the third Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Plan to attend if you or someone close to you is affected by Parkinson's disease.

Join in person in Carstensen-Gruben (CG) Room at Waverly Health Center. Park in the orange lot and use the orange entrance.

With questions or for more information, call (319) 352-4961.

Welcome to Waverly. Great schools. Diverse housing options. Robust job market. Top-flight indoor rec center. Outdoor recreation adventures of all kinds. Prestigious Wartburg College. And a safe and welcoming community of people who value the good life in a beautiful place.