Flooding Update - 6/25/24
posted in Public Works on June 25, 2024
Update as of Tuesday, June 25, 2024 8:15 AM:
Good news! The rise rate for the river was lower than expected overnight. It appears that the crest should be lower and later than originally forecast. A few key points to take away at this time:
- Waverly was at 11.89’ at 7:15 AM this morning.
- Janesville’s forecasted crest is still 14.2’ with a longer predicted crest, 1:00 PM through 7:00 PM.
- 4th St SE, Crestwood, and 8th St SE are all currently closed at this time. We plan to reopen these streets once water has receded to the middle line of the street. Updates will be posted as we know more.
There could still be sewer backups in basements associated with this flooding. Please keep sandbags on floor drains in basements to help prevent this.
Once the water recedes, we will have designated sandbag drop-off locations in town. Watch future updates for these drop-off locations.
These predictions are subject to change with forecast updates from NOAA and additional rainfall in these areas and areas to the north.