Seal Coating Project to Begin
posted in Public Works on June 25, 2024
The City of Waverly’s hired contractor is scheduled to begin seal coating several residential streets in Waverly starting this week, weather permitting. This process will be completed within the next 2 weeks. Vehicles and trailers cannot be parked on the street during this seal coating process. Notices will be hand delivered to affected residences with as much notice as possible.
The seal coating process involves the placement of oil and then rock chips on the street. After the rock chips have been placed over the oil the street can immediately be driven on, but please drive slowly with no quick stops or starts.
The residential streets that are scheduled to be seal coated are in the northeast and southeast parts of Waverly. Visit Waverly’s website at to view a site map showing the actual streets that will be seal coated. Please email or call 352-6247 if you have any questions.