

Name Title Badge No. Serving Since Email
Richard Pursell Chief 9-15 1998 rpursell@waverlyia.com
Nick Nelson Officer 9-16 2021 nnelson@waverlyia.com
Traeton Kaufman Officer 9-17 2023 tkaufman@waverlyia.com
Jason Leonard Captain 9-18 1996 jleonard@waverlyia.com
Curtis Hansel Sergeant 9-19 2006 chansel@waverlyia.com
Troy Schneider Investigator 9-20 1999 tschneider@waverlyia.com
Ryan Wegner Officer 9-21 2023 rwegner@waverlyia.com
Tom Power Officer 9-22 2014 tpower@waverlyia.com
Tyler Homeister Sergeant 9-23 2021 thomeister@waverlyia.com
Cory Stephens Captain 9-24 2008 cstephens@waverlyia.com
Josh Buhrow Officer 9-25 2003 jbuhrow@waverlyia.com
Holly Jacobsen Investigator 9-26 2009 hjacobsen@waverlyia.com
Kiela Ruth Officer 9-27 2019 kruth@waverlyia.com
Cory Brucker Officer 9-28 2022 cbrucker@waverlyia.com
Lukas Bucknell Officer 9-29 2022 lbucknell@waverlyia.com
Jared Hartwig Sergeant 9-30 2013 jhartwig@waverlyia.com
James Johnson Officer 9-31 2021 jjohnson@waverlyia.com
Melissa Meyer Office Coordinator mmeyer@waverlyia.com

Welcome to Waverly. Great schools. Diverse housing options. Robust job market. Top-flight indoor rec center. Outdoor recreation adventures of all kinds. Prestigious Wartburg College. And a safe and welcoming community of people who value the good life in a beautiful place.