Office of the Mayor

Welcome to the official City of Waverly website. I hope you find here the information you seek about the various departments and functions of the City.
I began my tenure as Mayor of Waverly in January 2024. My wife and I have lived in Waverly more than twenty years. She teaches math and science to 5th graders at the Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School and I have just retired after serving 36 years as a Lutheran (ELCA) pastor. Most recently I served as the Interim Lead Pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School. We have a daughter and son-in-law who live in Minneapolis, MN. I have served on the Iowa Council on Health & Human Services, the Chambers of Commerce in Charles City, IA and La Crescent, MN, the Library Boards in Waverly and La Crescent, MN and I currently serve on the Board of Directors at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community.
The most transferable skill I bring from my previous experience to the position of Mayor is passion. My priority in office is to emphasize that Waverly is a great community, but it takes work to build on that greatness. Another priority is civic unity. We must work together to achieve the safe, prosperous, and pleasant community that we all wish to enjoy.
Waverly citizens are blessed to enjoy a variety of businesses to meet their everyday needs, an excellent school system, a vibrant college, as well as fantastic recreational amenities, and an abundance of individual and spiritual opportunities.
The work of the City employees alongside our valued community volunteers, with the support of our citizens, is what continues to allow progress to happen. We truly live in a great City that we want to be a safe and welcoming place, one that is both affordable and attractive on many fronts. To continue moving forward on progress that has already been made, I look forward to serving the City with a focus on community, unity, and prosperity through fiscal responsibility.
If you are interested in the opportunities Waverly offers to live, work, and play, visit our tourism website, I believe you will find it very informative and welcoming. If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email or let’s meet up for coffee.
Mayor Mark Anderson
Term Expires: 01/02/2026
City Hall: 319-352-9211