Main Street Iowa
"Main Street Iowa is a wellspring of positive, transformative energy that Waverly taps into. This partnership arms us with tested approaches to placemaking that focus on what makes our community what it is. The goal is always to make a good thing better - rather than striving to be like somewhere else."
- Andrew Bell, AIA
At-Large Board Member
In 1985, the Iowa Legislature adopted Main Street America's approach to historic commercial district revitalization by approving the establishment of Main Street Iowa.
The mission of the Main Street Iowa Program is to improve the social and economic well-being of Iowa's communities by assisting selected communities to capitalize on the unique identity, assets and character of their historic commercial district. Main Street is economic development within the context of historic preservation.
Waverly has held the distinction of belonging to the Main Street Iowa program for over 30 years. Using the Main Street Four Point Approach® conceived in 1977 by Main Street America, the Waverly Main Street program works with a large number of individual volunteers and committees throughout the community to energize and revitalize Waverly's downtown district.
Waverly’s Main Street Program by the Numbers:
Since 1989, Waverly’s Main Street program has been instrumental in helping 117 businesses startup/relocate or expand in the downtown district resulting in 348 new jobs and 87 buildings sold. Over $9 Million of private money has been invested in building acquisitions and almost $32 Million of private money has been invested in building/rehabilitation projects. None of this would have been possible without the help of volunteers who have contributed over 92,000 hours of their time. Finally, with nearly 600 employees working in businesses throughout downtown, Waverly’s Main Street district continues to be the largest employer in our community.