Click the tabs below to view answers to commonly asked questions.
Police Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Administration and Records Offices are open weekdays between 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The Waverly Police Department is located at 111 4th Street NE, Waverly, IA 50677
Visit for more information.
You can mail your payment with the self addressed yellow copy provided on your vehicle or you may bring payment to the Waverly Police Department, 111 4th St. NE, Waverly, IA 50677.
Parking tickets issued by the City of Waverly through the Waverly Police Department are $10.00. This fine amount applies to all parking violations within the City of Waverly, Iowa unless the parking violation is issued specifically for a State Code of Iowa violation. If the $10.00 City of Waverly parking ticket is not paid within 30 days of the date upon which the violation occurred the fine shall increase to $20.00.
If the parking ticket is not paid within 60 days of the date upon which the violation occurred the fine shall increase to $30.00.
A letter will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle at each step as a reminder of payment required. If the parking ticket is not paid within 90 days of the date upon which the violation occurred the registered owner will receive a Final Notice. After 90 days the Waverly Police Department will file a complaint with the Clerk of District Court.
You may call the Waverly Police Department’s Office Manager (Records) at 319- 352-5400 (option 5) or stop by the police department on weekdays between 7:00 and 4:00 p.m. The minimum cost for a report is $5.00. Reports cannot be faxed. If you would like one mailed to you, send a letter requesting the report along with a $5.00 check made payable to the Waverly Police Department. It is helpful if you are able to provide a case number, date of incident and names of those individuals involved with your request.
You may appeal the parking ticket through the office of the Chief of Police. The situation will be investigated using the Municipal Code as a guide and/or discussing it with the issuing officer. If the appeal is denied by the Chief or his designee, you may request a trial by appearing on the assigned court date on the yellow copy you received.
A snow removal emergency shall be deemed to exist after an accumulation of any amount of snow on city streets, or after declaration of a snow removal emergency by the public works director, through a public radio announcement. Said emergency shall be deemed to continue for a period of twenty‑four hours thereafter unless such period of time shall be shortened or extended by declaration of the public works director. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave unattended or unoccupied any vehicle upon a designated snow route within the City of Waverly during the existence of a snow removal emergency. The parking restrictions shall be inapplicable to vehicles parked upon a street within a city block in any designated snow route that has been cleared of snow from curb to curb, for the entire length of the block. Any vehicle parked or left unattended upon a designated snow route in violation of this section may be towed or removed at its owner's expense through police authorization and the owner of any vehicle parked or left unattended in violation of this section shall be subject to fine for illegal parking.
An All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or Off-Road Utility Vehicle (ORV) can be operated within the City if the operation is between sunrise and sunset and is incidental to the vehicle’s use for agricultural purposes or authorized and pursuant to IA Code 321.234A and IA Chapter 321I.
An ORV can be operated on certain streets for the purpose of snow removal, lawn care, gardening, and athletic events/practices pursuant to City Code 105.10. The owner of an ORV must register the ORV with the Waverly Police Department. The City will not register an ATV as defined by Iowa Code 321G.1. The ORV is required to be registered with the Iowa DNR and such registration is displayed in accordance with Iowa Code 321I. Once the ORV is registered, the City of Waverly’s registration shall be displayed visibly and prominently on the left rear fender of the ORV. The on time registration fee with the City of Waverly is $25.00. Registrations shall be assigned to the owner of an ORV and cannot be transferred to a new owner.
It is unlawful for any person or corporation to let stand, remain or park any motor vehicle or non-motorized vehicle, including trailers, whether capable of functioning or not, upon the public highways, streets, avenues, alleys or city parking lots of the city for a continuous period exceeding forty-eight hours. Vehicle violating the ordinance may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
A child under 1 year old and weighing less than 20 pounds must be secured in a rear-facing child restraint system.
A child age 1 up to 6 years old must be secured in a child restraint system (a safety seat or booster seat – NOT a seat belt).
A child from age 6 up to age 11 must be secured in a child restraint system or by a safety belt.
Rear seat occupants up to age 18 must be secured by a safety belt.
For unrestrained passenger’s age 0-13, the driver receives the citation, and for unrestrained passengers 14-17, the passenger receives the citation.
Available at age 14.
Written consent of parent/guardian is required. This consent may be given using one of two options: (1) the parent/guardian accompanies the teenager to the driver’s license station to sign the consent form in the presence of the examiner, or (2) the parent/guardian downloads the form Parent's Written Consent to Issue Privilege to Drive or Affidavit to Obtain Duplicate form and signs the form in the presence of a notary public. The teenager may then present the completed and notarized form to the examiner and the parent/guardian would not have to accompany the teenager to the driver’s license station
Satisfactory performance in vision and knowledge test.
Proof of identity and verification of Social Security Number.
Available at age 14 ½.
The student must have completed an Iowa-approved course in driver education unless exempted because of hardship as defined by Iowa Admin. Code r. 761—602.26(3).
The student must have a valid instruction permit during the six-month period immediately preceding application for the Minor School License.
The student’s driving history must be free of convictions for moving violations, contributive accidents and license withdrawals during the six-month period immediately preceding application.
The student must live one mile or more from the school of enrollment.
The superintendent, chairperson of the school board, or principle if authorized by the superintendent must determine eligibility and sign a Statement of Necessity/Affidavit for School License form, available from any driver's license station or downloaded from the Iowa DOT's website.
The student’s parent or guardian must also provide signed consent of the Statement of Necessity/Affidavit for School License form. The Iowa DOT issues the Iowa Minor School License and may require a drive test.
May drive during the hours of 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. There are no exceptions or waivers of the time period when driving on a Minor School License.
The student must drive over the most direct and accessible route between the licensee's residence and school(s) of enrollment and between schools of enrollment for the purposes of attending duly scheduled courses of instruction, and to and from extracurricular activities within the school district. The student may also drive to a service station for the purpose of refueling so long as the service station is on the most direct and accessible route or is the closest service station to the most direct and accessible route.
The statute that governs the Minor School License does not authorize or prohibit passengers. The DOT's position is that passengers are allowed only if they enter the vehicle at the licensee's home and exit the vehicle at the same destination as the driver. No stops along the way to pickup or discharge passengers.
Available at age 16.
Must meet all conditions of instruction permit.
Written consent of parent/guardian is required. This consent may be given using one of two options: (1) the parent/guardian accompanies the teenager to the driver’s license station to sign the consent form in the presence of the examiner, or (2) the parent/guardian downloads the form Parent's Written Consent to Issue Privilege to Drive or Affidavit to Obtain Duplicate form and signs the form in the presence of a notary public. The teenager may then present the completed and notarized form to the examiner and the parent/guardian would not have to accompany the teenager to the driver’s license station.
Must be held for a minimum of 12 months.
May drive without supervision from 5 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Between12:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. may drive only with a licensed driver who is a parent/guardian, immediate family member older than 21, or designated adult older than 25.
May drive with a waiver between 12:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. to and from work or school-related extracurricular activities.
Must complete 10 hours of supervised driving; minimum of two hours must be between sunset and sunrise. The supervision must be by a licensed driver who is a parent/guardian, immediate family member older than 21, or a designated adult older than 25.
Number of passengers limited to number of safety belts available in vehicle.
Must drive crash-free and violation-free for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding application for full license. The intermediate license must not be expired or withdrawn during this 12-month period.
Intermediate license will have the words “under eighteen” printed on it.
Up to age 18, all conditions of the intermediate license shall remain in effect until the holder of the intermediate license has been issued a full license.
Available at age 17.
Must meet all conditions of intermediate license.
Full driving privileges with no restrictions.
For drivers under age 18 or age 21, the license shall have the words “under eighteen” or “under twenty-one”, respectively, printed on it.
In accordance with the State Code of Iowa, 321.438:
Under Iowa Administrative Code 761-450.1(321) safety glazing materials or multiple glazed assemblies thereof intended for use at levels requisite for driving visibility in the motor vehicle shall show regular (parallel) luminous transmittance of not less than 70 percent of the light at normal incidence, both before and after irradiation.
The outdoor warning sirens are only activated if the National Weather Service has issued a Tornado Warning for Bremer County or if an actual sighting occurs by a public safety official.
The outdoor warning system is designed only to inform those who are outside in open areas, of a tornado issued for the area. The system is not designed to warn residents within the confines of a residential, commercial, educational or other occupancy. The sirens are activated through the Bremer County Dispatch Center.
There are calls for service that require the officers to go “silent” prior to reaching their destination. There are other instances when the officers receive updated information rescinding the need to respond with lights and sirens or the officer could be terminated from the call.
Concealed weapon permits are issued through the Bremer County Sheriff’s Office 319-352-5400 (option #4).
The City of Waverly has nuisance ordinances which require property owners to maintain their lawns and sidewalks. In this case here, the property owner (or renter) is required to remove snow from all adjacent sidewalk within 48 hours of snowfall. They are also required to maintain their lawn so as not to allow noxious weeds or grass taller than 8 inches. If you think someone may be in violation of these ordinances you may contact the Zoning department at (319) 352-9208 and staff will investigate. Prolonged violation of these ordinances may result in City staff contracting a third party to remove snow/mow grass and assess the cost to the owner's property taxes.
The City Council meetings are held on the first, third, and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 P. M.
Please reference Waverly Municipal Code Chapter 67, Domestic Animal Control.
Please reference Waverly Municipal Code Chapter 63, Nuisances.
Visit the City Administrator section of this website.
The City Council meetings are televised at noon and 7:00 p.m. daily after the meeting unless there is a previously scheduled program on Wartburg Cable Channel 10.
Property owners may seek lower flood hazard insurance rates and additional construction privileges by seeking to demonstrate their property elevation is higher than the regulated flood elevation level indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The Community Development and Zoning Office can facilitate the process for one to apply to have their property removed from the 1% Annual Chance Flood Event Hazard Classification (commonly known as the 100-year flood hazard area and designated as "ZONE AE" or "ZONE A" on a Flood Insurance Rate Map). The process involved the property owner, at their own cost, lining up a State-licensed surveyor of their choice to complete an "elevation certificate". Once completed, this certificate can be filed by the hired surveyor to FEMA for review. If approved, FEMA may issues what is called a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). This process is to allow for construction considerations without adding fill material or elevating the structure. For those property owners adding fill material in the Floodway Designation area, or the areas commonly along the riverfront or local streams found on the FIRM, one would use surveyor and/or engineering company at their expense to complete what is known as a Letter of Map REvision (LOMR), or a Letter of Map Reviision Based On Fill (LOMR-F). In both situations, the City will recognize a completed letter from FEMA and may consider for review all applicable building permit applications in the regulated flood plain areas. For additional questions on all of the above information, one may contact FEMA at 1.877.336.2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP). This number may also be utilized to help answer common questions such as:
Some additional web sites that may be useful include:
One may also contact the Community Development Office with additional questions or for updates on current flood-related projects or questions as it pertains to Waverly.
Garages and sheds are accessory buildings and are governed by Section 100.4.06 of the City Code. The size of the building is limited by the size of the lot and existing accessory buildings.
(1) For lots up to 8,700 square feet, the total area for accessory buildings shall not occupy more than 720 square feet and shall not exceed 30% of the rear yard.
(2) For lots from 8,700 square feet to 13,333 square feet, no one accessory building shall occupy more than 720 square feet and the total area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed 800 square feet.
(3) For lots from 13,333 square feet to one acre, the total area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed 1000 square feet.
(4) For lots larger than one acre, the total area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed 2000 square feet.
In addtion, accessory buildings must observe a 5ft setback from all property lines and are limited to a height of 18ft or the height of the principal structure, whichever is smaller.
One may view the Bremer County Assesor Page to view your zoning on-line. Or, one may call City Hall at 319.352.9208 and the Zoning Office can answer your request. A current zoning map is also available for viewing in City Hall.
There are multiple sources to check. One option is to check with your insurance provider. Another option is to contact FEMA at 1.877.336.2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP). This number may also be utilized to help answer common questions such as:
Some additional web sites that may be useful include:
One may also contact the Community Development and Zoning Office with additional questions or for updates on current flood-related projects or questions as it pertains to Waverly.
Click here for additional flood plain information from FEMA
Yes. The fence permit process involves supplying the Zoning Office with a dimensioned plot plan, showing the proposed fence location, the height of the proposed fence and any easements that are on the property. Staff will review the plan and offer any proposed amendments to accommodate any recorded easements and to accommodate any sight triangle circumstances to ensure compliance. There is no fee for this review.
City Code allows a residential fence no taller than three (3) feet in the front yard and no taller than six (6) feet in the side and rear yards. For a corner lot, there may be two front yards. Applicants are to call Iowa One Call prior to applying so that underground utilities may be marked. For further information, contact the Community Development and Zoning Office.
Yes. The City does allow for chickens. Effective February 2014, Waverly allows residential property owners to apply for a three year permit through the Zoning office to house up to four chickens on residentially zoned properties. For further information, contact the Waverly Zoning Office at (319) 352-9208 for the application. You may also visit Waverly City Hall at 200 1st St. NE, Waverly, to view a pamphlet and to consult with the Zoning office on the requirements for housing urban chickens.
Urban Chicken Brochure
Urban Chicken Permit Application
The rule with outdoor pools is that you need a permit for a pool that is 5,000 gallons or more. If the pool is less than 5,000 gallons, you do not need a permit. Here are some sample dimensions to help you determine if your project is over or under the 5,000 gallon mark:
If you have a 15' X 15' X 3' deep pool, you will have 4,995 gallons If you have a 15' diameter pool 4' deep, you will have 5,288 gallons
Pool building permits are received and reviewed by the Bremer County Building and Zoning Department. For additional questions about pools and pool permits, feel free to contact them at 319-352-0332.
The requirements for residential decks in Waverly may be obtained from the Bremer County Building, Zoning & Sanitation Office. To view the general requirements, click here to be directed to Bremer County's brochure on residential decks.
These decks must observe the same setbacks required of the dwelling. Click here to view Waverly's setback requirements by zone.
Click here to search for your property and discover how it is zoned.
Make sure that the deck is not placed in front of or below any electrical meters or meter sockets. This is a National Electric Code regulation. To view a letter from Waverly Light and Power addressing this matter, click here.
Finally, a building permit application must be submitted to the Bremer County Building, Zoning & Sanitation Office located within the Bremer County Courthouse located at 415 East Bremer Avenue in Waverly. Applications are available at the Courthouse, at the City of Waverly Community Development & Zoning Office located at 200 1st St. NE in Waverly, or applications may be printed out by clicking here.
Letter of Map Revision Received by FEMA for City of Waverly Effective October 24, 2014
Effective October 24, 2014, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released a determination that they have approved a request for a Letter of map Revision (LOMR) for the areas contained within the effective flood insurance rate maps (FIRM) for the City of Waverly dated March 04, 2008. The result is floodplain boundary movements in all quadrants of the City and subsequent "map revisions".
Lenders and Insurance providers will have access to the map revisions and you can view them too, following the instructions provided below.
The map revisions may be viewed online, under the FEMA’s Map Service Center webpage, Simply type in your address in the lower left corner in the search bar provided following the format of “101 Pleasant Street, Waverly, Iowa”. You will then select the “Revisions” folder under the title of “Letters of Map Change” (select first option ending in 190030). The maps will be part of the pages provided near the end, with basic information provided for your information. Maps are also available in the hallway of the Waverly City Hall, located at 200 1st Street NE, Waverly, and also in the Zoning Office in City Hall. For further instructions on how to print a map you are viewing, follow the “FIRMette creation link” below.
Maps will not be printed and distributed to property owners, local insurance agents or mortgage lenders through FEMA. You may create a small viewable map, called a FIRMette online at, by following the instructions found here: FIRMette creation link
The City does not have the tools needed to make large copies of floodplain maps. FEMA may reproduce these maps and make copies to send via mail and electronic copies may be made available for a fee by contacting their offices at 1-800-358-9616. You will need the correct map panel identification number which should be found on the lower right corner of the map produced by FEMA. The Waverly Zoning office may be contacted for a simple determination.
For more information, contact the City of Waverly Zoning Office at (319) 352-9208.
All garbage and recycling containers are issued to the property address. Upon moving, the empty and clean containers must be left for the next occupant. You will have the option to exchange sizes at your new residence.
Leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, trees (no large roots), branches and brush can be dropped off at no charge.
Call Waverly Utilities at (319) 559-2000.
Local water is 15-18 grains per gallon. If setting a water softener - soften to 5-6 g.p.g. (Softening to 0 g.p.g. will damage pipes and faucets.)
Yes, the Administration Department has a list of people that they email the agenda coversheet and a link to the upcoming agenda. If you would like to be added to that list, please call 352-9211.
7 days
To reserve a park shelter house please complete the Shelter/Diamond Reservation Form or contact the Leisure Services office at 319-352-6263.
All rental payments are due and payable at the time of the reservation. No reservation will be entered without payment accompanying the completed form. Reservations can be made for the calendar year on the first business day after January 1. The Waverly Leisure Services Office (200 1st St NE) is open between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Shelter Fees: $40/4 hour period
Local youth groups $1 up to 4 hours (any additional hours are charged at regular price)
To reserve the Civic Center please complete the Civic Center Use Application or contact the Leisure Services office at 319-352-6263.
Deposit and rental fees are due and payable at the time of room reservation. No reservation will be entered without payment accompanying the completed form. No reservation can be made more than 6 months from the current date. The Waverly Leisure Services Office (200 1st St NE) is open between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
At this time we do not accept credit card payments. We will gladly accept cash or checks payable to the City of Waverly for Leisure Services related fees.
The Waverly Bark Park rules are in place to protect all users, canine and human. They are also posted at the dog park.
The most important rule is to have your dog immunized. The State of Iowa requires rabies and distemper shots for all dogs. We highly recommend Bordetella and a fecal screen on a regular basis. This will protect your dog as well as other users of the park.
Dogs must be at least 4 months old to use the park. Dogs in heat should not use the park.
Humans must be 8 years of age to enter the park and 15 years of age to bring a dog to the park. Dogs and younger children can’t be supervised adequately at the same time. When in the facility, humans must control their dogs at all times.
Owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs. Failure to do so could result in a fine and loss of the privilege to use the facility. Dog bags are available at the park or bring a grocery bag when you visit the park.
Dog treats and human food should not be brought into the park. Give your dog a treat after the visit.
Safety is important to all users of the Waverly Bark Park, human and canine. Remember to have all your shots up to date, be of age to enter the dog park, and to always pick up after yourself.
For additional information, call Waverly Leisure Services Dept. at 352-6263.
If you experience an aggressive dog at the dog park, please first try to address the issue with the dog owner. If further action is necessary please contact the Waverly Police Department at 319-352-5400. The Leisure Services office does not handle aggressive dog complaints.
We do not offer swimming lessons at the Waverly Municipal Swimming Pool. If intersted in swimming lessons please contact The W at Wartburg College.
The cemetery grounds are open dialy from daylight to dark.
The cemetery office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and the Leisure Services Department business office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday excepting Holidays.
More inforamtion regarding the Cemetery can be found in the Rules and Regulations.
Cemetery lots can be purchased by contacting the Leisure Services office at 319-352-6263.
Lot price information can be found here: Cemetery Fees
The Waverly City Park rules and hours can be found in Chapter 104 of the Waverly City Code.
Call 319-352-1530 or visit to view the currenty golf fees and to book a tee time.
To submit a complaint or make a request for service with the Leisure Services Deparment, click the link below for the appropriate department and submit the service request form.
You may also call the Leisure Services Office at 319-352-6263.
Parks Department Service Request
Vegetation Department Service Request
Cemetery Department Service Request
The Waverly Rail Trail rules can be found in Chapter 104 of the Waverly City Code.
You will want to contact the Administration Department at 319-352-9211.
1. On July 3rd and July 5th between the hours of Noon and 10:00 p.m. 2. On July 4th between the hours of Noon and 11:00 p.m. 3. December 31st (New Year’s Eve) from Noon to 12:30 a.m. on January 1st.
Additional information can be found in Section 53.13 of the City Code or by calling the Administration Department at 319-352-9211.
Open burning of yard waste is permitted following submittal of a permit application to the Community Development Office. For residents who have an existing burn permit authorized, a renewal is not necessary. If a new property owner wishes to burn yard waste, they are required to register their property to be permitted to burn yard waste. As of July 1, 2004, burning of all yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, etc. is prohibited on properties of ½ acre or less in the City of Waverly. Burning of garbage or construction material and the use of burn barrels are prohibited on all properties. Additional questions can be directed to 319-352-9208.
Latex (water-based) paints can be placed in with your regular garbage when completely dry.
Oil-based paints are considered hazardous and need to be taken to the Bremer County Landfill at 2049 200th Street.