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All garbage and recycling containers are issued to the property address. Upon moving, the empty and clean containers must be left for the next occupant. You will have the option to exchange sizes at your new residence.
Leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, trees (no large roots), branches and brush can be dropped off at no charge.
Call Waverly Utilities at (319) 559-2000.
Local water is 15-18 grains per gallon. If setting a water softener - soften to 5-6 g.p.g. (Softening to 0 g.p.g. will damage pipes and faucets.)
7 days
Latex (water-based) paints can be placed in with your regular garbage when completely dry.
Oil-based paints are considered hazardous and need to be taken to the Bremer County Landfill at 2049 200th Street.