Community Gardens

Waverly Community Sharing Gardens Volunteers
All of the produce from the gardens will be donated to the local free meal programs and the North East Iowa Food Bank.
Dedicated groups or individuals are needed to continue to weed and water the garden for the season
The goals of the Community Sharing Gardens are:
- To reduce the number of hungry people in NE Iowa by providing fresh and nutritious produce to the local free meal program and the Food Bank of NE Iowa.
- To teach people of all ages how to garden and where their food comes from.
Individuals or groups can volunteer on a specific date and/or a regular weekly rotation, and are asked to do so by late April. There is typically a Garden Planting Kick-Off Event in early May. Check back for more information as spring approaches.
Waverly Community Gardens Volunteer Responsibilities
1. Each group or individual is asked to help with watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance.
2. Tools will be made available for use during the regularly scheduled work time each week. A limited number of labeled tools, hoses, and watering equipment will be available in the community garden storage bin for use during non-scheduled work times. Regularly scheduled work times will be posted on the garden bulletin board.
3. Children under 15 are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by an adult leader or parent and must be supervised at all times.
4. Gardens should be cared for at least once a week. It is the group or individual’s responsibility to notify the coordinator if he or she is not able to volunteer in any given week.
5. The application of herbicides (weed killers) to the garden plots is prohibited.
6. At the end of the growing season, volunteers are needed for clearing the gardens of all plant material and leaving them ready for spring.
7. The Garden Committee is responsible for ensuring that the rules are followed at all times.
If any businesses, organizations or individuals are interested in this volunteer opportunity contact Ron Lenth with Bremer County ISU Extension at 319-882-4275.
Waverly Community Garden Lots for Rent - JOIN THE WAITLIST
The City of Waverly currently has a waitlist for Community Garden lots. The Northwest Gardens located at 317 4th St. NW are available as 3 raised beds per lot or 1 unraised bed. Each raised bed is 4’x12’ totaling 144 sq. ft. of garden space per lot. The unraised beds are approximately 12'x20' each lot.
The Southwest Gardens are located at the corner of 5th Ave. & 2nd St. SW. These lots are 10’x30’ non-raised beds.
Lots are tilled in early April and available for gardening April through November. The lot rental fee is $30 per year with at $50 deposit. The deposit is returned at the end of each season providing the lots are cleaned up and water keys are returned. A garden contract must be completed each year to rent a lot.
If interested in a Community Garden Lot contact Waverly Leisure Services at 200 1st St. NE, phone 319-352-6263.