Trees Forever

Trees Forever began in 1991 as an effort by Waverly Utilities to promote trees for energy efficiency. Waverly Utilities provides annual financial support to Waverly Trees Forever. Waverly Trees Forever in cooperation with Waverly Leisure Services Department and Waverly Shell Rock School Science Club, pursues grants and accepts donations and memorials. Over the past years, every city park and school in Waverly has benefited from Waverly Trees Forever. Projects include the Golf Course, Cemetery, Bremwood, Bartels Lutheran Home, Wartburg College and many streets and boulevards.
Trees Forever Committee meets once monthly to discuss projects and policies. They are volunteers with a City Parks and Waverly Utilities staff person as liaisons.
For more information, call 352-6263.
More tree initiatives coming soon...
W-SR Science Club Tree Sale - NOW CLOSED. Please check back in 2026 for the next tree sale.
The Science Club Tree Sale for 2025 will begin January 15, 2025 and run through March 1, 2025. Once the sale is live, the tree brochures and order forms can be obtained online or contacting the Leisure Services Department at 319-352-6263. Please send in your orders by March 1.
Please be reminded, trees will arrive potted or bagged and will be available to pick up at The Waverly Parks Maintenance Shed, Lower Lot (412 1st Ave. SE, Waverly) May 2nd or May 3rd.
All proceeds for the tree sale go towards scholarships and activities for W-SR Science Club students.
Tree Planting Tips
For spring plantings, plant early. The longer in the season that the plant has to grow with cool, moist conditions, the more roots will beome established to get it through our hot summer. Avoid summer planting because of the increased moisture stress during the hot, dry months.
Mulch, mulch, mulch. Mulching should be considered a requirement of tree and shrub planting. Mulch with 3-5 inches of organic mulch well beyond the root area of the new planting, ensuring that there is no mulch next to the stem of the plant.
Water properly. Allow time between watering for the root area to dry, which promotes aditional root development. When you water, water with sufficient water to soak the entire root system and beyond. Remember, you can over-water with respect to frequency, but you cannot use too much water during an application. For first year conifirs, continue watering until the soil is frozen.
Minimize pruning. Correct problems such as multiple leaders and rubbing branches, but leave the rest. The leaves are the source of carbohydrates for new root growth and expansion.
2024 Fall Tree Rebate - RETREE WAVERLY - Max Sales Reached!