
Used Book Sales

The Friends have used books, movies, games, puzzles, CDs, and magazines available for purchase in their book sale room, (located in the lobby) during Library hours. You may drop off contributions at the Library during open hours.

Bus Trips to Waverly PL

Costs for monthly WPL visits are paid by Friends for Grades K-4. Many generous members have made extra contributions to keep this program in place. You, too, can participate by donating funds to the Friends of the Waverly Public Library and specifying that it is for the bussing program.

Summer Reading Program Presentations and Prizes

Friends fund special programs and prizes for the Summer Library Program for elementary school-aged children and for preschool-aged children. The special live presentations are both educational and entertaining. Reading encouragement is featured throughout.

Books for New Babies

In cooperation with Waverly Health Center, Friends present a new book to each baby born at the Health Center each year.

Books for Kindergarteners

The Friends present a new book to each kindergartener at Waverly-Shell Rock

Reach Out and Read

Friends of the Library help sponsor the Reach Out and Read program. At each well-child appointment, children receive a new book to explore with their parents. By the time they are 5 years old, they will have their own personal library of 10 books!

Mysteries R Us Book Club

Books by Mystery authors are discussed on the second Sunday beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the Library. Friends sponsor this delight for book and mystery lovers. Open to all. No charge.

Celebrity Readers

During the month of April, "Celebrities" are asked to come to the Library and read to school classes. What a treat to see that very important book and literacy connection modeled by our own leaders!

DVD Collections

Friends’ monies allow the continuous purchase of BBC and PBS production series.

Teen Programs

The Friends support and fund teen events throughout the school year.

American Girl Dolls

The library has American Girl Dolls, complete with clothes, stories, and more, available for checkout. These dolls and their accessories were purchased by the Friends of the Library.

Read Til YA Drop

The Friends sponsor this adult book club that reads Young Adult fiction. The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month.

Do It Yourself! Nights

Friends of the WPL sponsor the DIY classes for Adults which meet the second Tuesday of each month, September through May. Registration is required.

Book Page

Book Page is a monthly book review magazine purchased by the Friends. Pick up your free copy at the circulation desk.

Children's Programs

Friends of the Library support and fund Children's events throughout the school year.

Welcome to Waverly. Great schools. Diverse housing options. Robust job market. Top-flight indoor rec center. Outdoor recreation adventures of all kinds. Prestigious Wartburg College. And a safe and welcoming community of people who value the good life in a beautiful place.