About the Chamber

2023 Annual Report

The Waverly Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Program provides opportunities for:

  • Member Connectivity
  • Business Loyalty
  • Community Awareness

Founded in 1937, the Waverly Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer-driven organization that today encompasses all functions of the Chamber of Commerce, Waverly Main Street Program, and Tourism. The Chamber's success is made possible through the financial commitment and tireless dedication of hundreds of businesses and individuals working to strengthen the economic vitality and standard of living in the Waverly area. The Waverly Chamber is a long time member of the US Chamber of Commerce and at one time was an accredited organization through the US Chamber.     


The Waverly Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Program develops and sustains dynamic, progressive programs supporting the economic and business environment to provide a quality experience for residents and visitors to our community and historic downtown district.


Together, we champion and amplify the unique qualities of Waverly to become a destination of choice.


The purpose of the organization is to advance the commercial, industrial, civic, and general interests of the city of Waverly and its trade areas.  The organization serves a variety of communities within the Waverly area. A four-point approach will be maintained as the basis for policy development, implementation, and evaluation within the organization. 

The four points are:

  1. Business Development 
  2. Design & Beautification 
  3. Membership Relations
  4. Retail-Promotions

All areas of the four points have committees and committee chairs.  


On Tuesday, June 26, 2018 the Waverly Chamber and Main Street board of directors voted unanimously to approve amendments to the organization's governing bylaws. To review the recently changed bylaws CLICK HERE

This is a restored video from a 16mm film unearthed in an old storage box when the Waverly Chamber was moving their offices in 1993. It was filmed in 1959 and released in 1961. It has an original music score with narration and is an incredible snapshot of Waverly, Iowa and the citizens who helped build the town we know and love today. 

Welcome to Waverly. Great schools. Diverse housing options. Robust job market. Top-flight indoor rec center. Outdoor recreation adventures of all kinds. Prestigious Wartburg College. And a safe and welcoming community of people who value the good life in a beautiful place.