Retail Promotions
The Retail Promotions Committee works to promote and enhance local businesses through the coordination of special retail events, customer recognition, and other promotions.
Committee Members:
- Tonya Derner, Moe & Arrow Boutique (Chair)
- ​Jamie Borglum, CrawDaddy Outdoors
- Amber Nichols, Thompson Shoes
- Deb Mummelthei, Love & Lace Waverly
- Kelly Behrends, Root
- Ryan Rasmussen, Tenenbaum's Jewelry
- Toni Fisher, The Wild Carrot
- Jade & James Heine, Bremer Brewing
- Darleen Lindahl, Trinkets & Togs
- Shari Anderson, Trinkets & Togs
- Tim Lalk, Downtown Dreamers Mercantile
- Jeff Neuendorf, Newy's Moto
- Dan Britt, Northern Iowa Therapy
- Tiffany Schrage, Waverly Chamber of Commerce