The City of Waverly Community Development Department coordinates long range and current planning activities within the City. The Department develops and maintains the City Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map which is the basis for all land development and zoning in the Community. The Department maintains the City Zoning Code and is responsible for ensuring all development is completed consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan and the City Zoning Code.
The Department serves as the administrator to the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Planning and Zoning Commission is a recommending body to the City Council on all matters regulated by the Zoning Code or the City Subdivision Ordinance.
The day to day activities of the department are primarily associated with the review of new development; residential, commercial and industrial subdivision plats, rezoning requests; variance requests and processing of special provisional use permits. The Department reviews and processes site plans for new residential development and all commercial and industrial buildings. The Department is responsible for all platting matters and many right of way issues, including the review of encroachments, vacation of miscellaneous or unused right of way, acquisition plats and many of the development agreements associated with the provisions for public infrastructure.
Other duties that the Department is responsible for include; Environmental Site Assessments, preparation of sub area plans, processing annexation requests, and miscellaneous ordinance development.