Demolition of Structures

Demolition Permit Requirements
Pre-planning - To obtain a permit for demolition of a structure within the City of Waverly, the following steps must be done prior to commencement, during and after the structural removal. Other permits and costs may also be applicable for disconnection of services from local utilities (water, sewer, electric) and franchise servers (gas, phone, cable, fiber optics).

General Requirements Check List:
- Turn in the demolition permit and appropriate fee to the Zoning Office at least one week prior to the desired demolition date. ($20 for each structure).
- Arrange for the disconnection of all utilities and be sure they have been disconnected in a manner approved by each provider.
- All Iowa One Call (1-800-292-8989) procedures must be followed before digging.
- Any excavation within the City of Waverly's right of way requires a separate excavation application/permit, which may be obtained from the Public Works Department.
- The contractor shall secure the demolition area with an approved means during demolition.
- Once started, the demolition shall be completed, lot cleaned up, basement removed (if applicable), and filled in within one week. Any additional time must be approved by the Director of Public Works.
- The contractor is responsible for calling the Public Works Department to arrange an inspection prior to backfill.
- The owner/contractor is responsible for repair/replacement of damaged sidewalks, damaged curb and gutter and restoration and seeding of any disturbed area. Specific guidance may be obtained by contacting Public Works.
Specific Requirements for Water & Sewer Services
- Water and sewer services would need to be capped at the main unless otherwise approved. This will require an inspection from the Public Works Department.
- Prior to covering up work, an assessment of the material and condition of water and sewer service lines must take place - contact the Public Works Department to arrange for said inspections. Examples such as: galvanized water services, orangeburg pipe and sewer services that are outdated must be replaced/abandoned.
Important Phone Numbers
City Departments
- Zoning 319-352-9208
- Water/Sewer Line Main 319-352-6261
- Public Works 319-352-6247
Other Local and Franchise Providers
- Electric: Waverly Utilities 319-559-2000
- Natural Gas: Mid American Energy 888-427-5632
- Iowa One Call 800-292-8989