Historic Preservation Commission

The mission of the Waverly Historic Preservation Commission (WHPC) is to recognize, preserve, promote, and safeguard sites and districts of historic and cultural significance in order to educate citizens and visitors and to foster pride for the city of Waverly, Iowa.

According to city code, the purpose of this commission is to:
1. Promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the public through the recognition, enhancement, and perpetuation of sites and districts of historical and cultural significance.
2. Safeguard the City's historic, aesthetic, and cultural heritage by preserving sites and districts of historic and cultural significance.
3. Stabilize and improve property values.
4. Foster pride in the legacy of beauty and achievements of the past.
5. Protect and enhance the City's attractions to tourists and visitors and the support and stimulus to business thereby provided.
6. Strengthen the economy of the City.
7. Promote the use of sites and districts of historic and cultural significance as places for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the people of the City.
Term: 3 years
Meetings: Fourth Monday of the month.
Appointed by the Mayor with confirmation of the City Council.

To watch KWWL's coverage of the event on YouTube, click here. To be directed directly to KWWL's website, click here. For more information regarding this event, please visit our event's page.
Waverly Historic Preservation Commission dedicates new monument in honor of Waverly's 3rd Street SE "Green" Bridge

Click here to read more about the dedication event.
Waverly Historic Preservation Commission celebrates 25 years
Click here to see what has been accomplished in these 25 years.

1868 Bird's Eye View of Waverly
1868 Bird's Eye View of Waverly historic maps are available for a suggested donation of $10 (additional $5 if shipping is needed). See the Resources page for an order form and additional details.
For information about historic preservation forums or historic tax credits, also see the Resources or Presentations and Forums pages.
Seizing the Positive
In the summer 2019 edition of the Alliance Review, a national publication, featured the efforts of the Waverly HPC to utilize the 2008 flood for civic improvement and economic development.

Permission to reprint coverage of his national award story in the July 31st Bremer County Independent is given by staff writer, Eric VanSickle.