Home Occupation

Waverly has a Home Occupation Code section which establishes criteria and development standards for the peaceful co-existence of home occupations in residential zones. The Community Development office will review all requests and renew home occupation permit applications on an annual basis. There is no fee for a home occupation permit review.
General Requirements
The Home Occupation Code establishes criteria and development standards for the peaceful co-existence of home occupations in residential zones. Home occupations (sale of goods and/or services) are licensed within the City of Waverly and are carried on within the enclosed living area by members of the family residing on the premises. Exclusions include temporary rummage, garage, yard and home sales (not to exceed 6 in any calendar year), as well as in-home child care. Any questions about permitted uses should be reviewed with the Community Development and Zoning Office prior to establishing the home occupation. The following general requirements are guidelines with the application procedures listed. You may refer to City of Waverly Code of Ordinances Section 100.27 for details.
- The home occupation shall not infringe upon the right of neighboring residents to enjoy the peaceful occupancy of their dwelling or infringe upon or change the intent of the residential zone.
- The home occupation should not generate significantly greater traffic volume than would normally be expected in the particular residential zone in which the home occupation is conducted.
- General delievery and pick-up of materials or commodities to and from the premises by a commercial vehicle should not exceed two trips per year.
- At any one time only, one commercial vehicle associated with the activities may be parked on the street near the premises.
- The parking of customers' or clients' vehicles should not create safety hazards or unusual congestion.
- The home occupation is to be conducted only by members of the residing family, plus no more than one nonresident assistant or employee.
- Only one non-illuminating wall sign, not over two square feet in area is allowed.
- If the home occupation is the type in which classes are held, there shall be no more than four students or pupils in the dwelling unit at one time.
- If the home occupation is the type in which customers or clients visit the premises, there shall be no more than six customers or clients in the dwelling unit during any period of 60 consecutive minutes.
Home occupations shall comply with all local, state or federal regulations pertinent to the activity. A license shall not be construed as an exemption.
A home occupation existing since September 1997 can remain as a non-conforming use.
Home occupations shall be limited to 25% of the enclosed living area of the dwelling and not to exceed 300 square feet.
To view the Home Occupation section in its entirety, please click here to be directed to the City Code. The Home Occupation section is listed within the Zoning Chapter, Section 100.27.

Once completed, applications can be emailed to the Zoning Department.