Curbside Recycling

The City provides curbside collection of the following items.  All of these items can be commingled together.  Items cannot be bagged.  Glass cannot by accepted by the Curbside Truck.

2025 Curbside Recycling Calendar (includes City holidays).

Click here for a printable list of recyclables.

1.  Aluminum
2.  Cardboard, corrugated & single-layered
3.  Magazines & Slick Paper
4.  Newspapers
5.  Paper, white & colored
6.  Phone Books
7.  Plastic Containers
8.  Tin Cans

NOTE:  Beginning July 1st, 2019 - the City required all curbside recycling customers to rent a blue, wheeled container ....... see photograph below.  City-issued totes and your own containers are no longer allowed for curbside recycling.  (You may keep your City-issued tote to haul items to the Recycling Center or simply to organize recyclables at home.)

Container Options For Curbside Recycling:

  1. 35-gallon blue recycling container with wheels and attached lid - rents for $3.50 per month ($4.25 per month effective 7/1/25).
  2. 65-gallon blue recycling container with wheels and attached lid - rents for $3.50 per month ($4.25 per month effective 7/1/25).
  3. 95-gallon blue recycling container with wheels and attached lid - rents for $5.55 per month  ($6.30 per month effective 7/1/25).

Rent a Curbside Recycling Container by calling (319) 352-6247.  

Reminder:  All containers (recycling and garbage) that were supplied by the City are to remain at the property address they were originally provided for.

Curbside Recycling Schedule:

Curbside recycling containers are emptied every other week (throughout the year) on your regularly scheduled garbage day.  They need to be placed out for collection by 7:00 a.m.

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