Hazardous Waste and Prohibited Materials Disposal

Bremer County has a Regional Collection Center for Household Hazardous Materials located at the Bremer County Landfill, 2049 200th Street, Waverly (3 miles north of Highway 3 on Highway 63 and then 1/2 mile west or left onto 200th Street).  This site is open for Bremer County residents only (no businesses) at no charge.

Call 319-352-4574 for an appointment before taking items to the hazardous waste site.  Items will be accepted Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Items accepted at Bremer County's Hazardous Waste Site:

  • Flammable Liquids and Solids
  • Poisons
  • Pesticides
  • Garden Chemicals
  • Fertilizers
  • Household Cleaners and Chemicals
  • Batteries
  • Waste Oil
  • Anti-Freeze
  • Oil-Base Paints (does not accept "wet" latex paint)
  • Flourescent Light Bulbs

LATEX PAINT NOTICE:  Bremer County's Regional Collection Center for Hazardous Waste will only accept latex paint after it is dry.  It no longer accepts cans of "wet" latex paint.

Waverly residents can place their dried paint in with their regular garbage.  The lid is to be left off of the dried paint cans.

If you take your dried paint and paint cans directly to the Bremer County Landfill, you will be charged their normal disposal rate.

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