Commercial Dumpsters
Dumpster services are provided to local businesses by the City of Waverly's Department of Public Works. A variety of dumpster sizes and service frequencies are offered to best meet customer needs. Find more detailed information about solid waste services in the Waverly City Code - Health & Sanitation Section - Chapter 69 Solid Waste.
Some things to know about commercial refuse collection:
- Solid waste containers and dumpsters are issued and serviced by the City of Waverly.
- Enclosures are recommended for dumpsters. New enclosures require the Public Works Director's approval for servicability and size.
- The dumpster location must have ample room for the commercial garbage truck access. Public Works will work with you to establish the best dumpster location.
- All waste materials must fit inside the dumpster. Waste outside of the dumpster will not be picked up.
- Dumpsters that are blocked by snow and ice accumulation or vehicles/other materials will not be serviced. Extra charges will apply if a return trip is requested to provide service.
Some things to know about commercial cardboard collection:
- Commercial cardboard dumpsters are also available from the City of Waverly's Department of Public Works.
- City-issued cardboard dumpsters are serviced once a week, on Wednesdays.
- Cardboard dumpsters are intended for clean cardboard only. Contaminated cardboard dumpsters will not be serviced.
Hazardous and Prohibited Materials
Any dumpster contaminated with hazardous or prohibited materials will not be serviced until all items of contamination have been removed.
Commercial Garbage Rates:
Commercial Dumpster Rates
Email Public Services or call (319) 352-6247 for more information and to arrange refuse and recycling services for your business.