* To get signed up for utilities or make changes to your existing utilities, contact Waverly Utilities at 319-559-2000.
City of Waverly Recycling Center
2800 5th Ave NW
Waverly, IA 50677
- 7:00 am to 5:30 pm - Monday through Friday
- 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Saturday
- Closed Sundays & Holidays.
Recyclables Accepted at Waverly's Recycling Center
Listed below are all of the recyclables accepted at the City of Waverly's Recycling Center. The items that can be picked up by the Curbside Recycling Truck are labeled.
Printable list of all recycling items
- ALUMINUM: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) Clean aluminum foil, disposable pie pans, pizza pans, and lawn chairs stripped of other metal or plastic.
- BOOKS, PAPERBACK: Hardcover books may be recycled ONLY if the covers are removed.
- CARDBOARD, CORRUGATED & SINGLE-LAYERED: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) Clean, corrugated cardboard, broken down & flattened. Tape and staples are OK, but try & remove as much as possible. Pizza boxes that are clean of food and grease are acceptable. Unwaxed cardboard, brown paper bags & cardstock are accepted. Remove liners from cereal boxes and remove the metal tear-off strips from plastic wrap boxes.
- GLASS, CLEAR & COLORED: Clear and colored glass containers, cleaned with caps removed. The labels are OK. No Pyrex, windows, baking dishes, light bulbs or tinted glass. Glass is not accepted curbside because of the compaction operation of the Recycling Truck.
- MOTOR OIL: Only used motor oil that has not been mixed with gas, antifreeze, or water. Customer to empty oil into an oil collection barrel and used container to be discarded by customer as it cannot be recycled.
- NEWSPAPERS: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) If you deliver your newspapers to the Recycling Center, we prefer that they be kept loose and not bundled. All inserts can be left with the newspaper.
- PAPER, WHITE & COLORED: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) Staples are OK, but no paper clips. No gift-wrap. No crayon or tape. Cellophane-window envelopes are accepted.
- PLASTIC CONTAINERS: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 - not including bags. Cleaned or rinsed of food and all caps removed from bottles. (The removal of caps makes compaction of bottles easier.) The numbers for each plastic are found within the triangular recycling symbol. Plastics #1 - 5 & 7 can be commingled at Recycling Center. See list below for plastics not accepted.
- SHREDDED PAPER: Commingled white & colored shredded paper is accepted.
- STYROFOAM: (white only) Box liners, packing material, craft items, etc. Any tape must be removed. Example photos.
- STYROFOAM PEANUTS: (all colors) These peanuts can then be picked up and reused by any resident or business.
- TIN CANS: (CURBSIDE RECYCLING ITEM) Clean tin or steel cans.
Paper Shredder
There is a heavy duty paper shredder at the Recycling Center for public use.
Items That Cannot be Recycled:
- #6 plastics (Styrofoam coffee cups, egg & food containers)
- gift wrap paper
- paper with lots of crayon or tape
- plastic bags - even those with the recycling symbol (check with local thrift stores and retailers for recycling options)
- plastic utensils
- plastic drinking straws
- plastic caps or lids without the recycling symbol
- plastic containers that had contained cooking oil, motor oil, herbicide, fungicide, insecticide, paints or paint thinner