

* To get signed up for utilities or make changes to your existing utilities, contact Waverly Utillities at 319-559-2000.

Welcome to the City of Waverly Water Division.  The Water Division supplies water to Waverly residents and industry utilizing four wells, three towers, and over 70 miles of water main.  The Water Division plays an important role for every resident and visitor of Waverly.  Water quality and quantity is what this division is all about.

Water & Sewer Line Maintenance Foreman:  Mike Seehusen

Location: 2900 5th Avenue NW 
Phone: 319-352-6247  or  319-352-6261

Water Leaks

City's Water Main

The Water Division must shut down the water at times to a portion of Waverly in order to properly repair the City's water main.  If the water leak is not major, residents and businesses will be notified by a door-hanger notice as to the day and time water will be shut off.  The Water Division does their best to see to it that your water is off for as short of time as possible and that the number of residents and businesses affected is as minimal as possible.

Once the water is turned back on, there may be air in the pipes and rusty-looking water.  All you need to do is to turn on just the cold water faucet and let it run until it clears.

Water Service Lines

The water services lines from the City's water main into your house or business is the responsibility of the owner.  If you must shut down the water to your address, there should be a shut-off valve located near the City's main.  Call the Water Division if you need help in locating this shut-off valve.

Frozen Water Pipes

Water expands when it freezes.  That's why a can of pop explodes if it's forgotten in a freezer.  When water freezes in a pipe, it expands that same way.  If water expands enough, the pipe can burst, allowing water to escape, resulting in serious damage.  Pipes made from both plastic (PVC) and copper can burst.  A crack as small as 1/8" can cause a pipe to spew up to 250 gallons of water a day!

Before Winter

  • Insulate - Pipes exposed in a home's attic or crawl space are the most susceptible to freezing.
  • Tape/Cables - Water pipes can be wrapped with heat tape or thermostatically-controlled heat cables.  Be sure to use approved products only and follow manufacturer's instructions closely.
  • Seal - Insulate or caulk around pipes, electrical wiring and dryer vents; sealing any small openings where cold air could leak in and cause nearby water pipes to freeze.
  • Shut Off - Use an indoor valve to shut off & drain water from pipes leading to outside faucets and disconnect garden hoses.

When The Cold Temps Hit

  • Open Up - Uninsulated pipes under sinks need heat, as well.  Open cabinet doors to allow heat to reach where pipes are near exterior walls.
  • Stream - Allow water to trickle from faucets overnight, especially those located on outside walls.
  • Temperature Check - The normal temperature of the City of Waverly's water supply averages 50°.
  • Run Water - Run water from cold water faucet for a couple of minutes, then place thermometer under water stream.  If temperature is near 40°, continue to monitor.  If water temperature drops below 40°, you may want to run a continuous trickle from the faucet.

If You Are Away

  • Check - Have a friend or neighbor check your home daily, if possible, to make sure the indoor temperature is maintained.
  • Thermostat - Keep indoor temperature set at 55° or above.
  • Drain - Shut off and drain water from system. (Keep in mind, this will de-activate fire sprinklers.)

If Pipes Should Freeze

  • Call Plumber - If nothing comes out when faucets are turned on, call a plumber, leaving faucets on.  If you determine that a water pipe has burst, leave water faucets turned on and turn off water at the main shut-off valve inside the house.
  • Thawing Pipes - Use a hair dryer to warm a frozen pipe, starting close to the faucet and moving towards the coldest section of the pipe. Never use an open flame or torch.

Water Softener Information

Local water is 15-18 grains per gallon.  If setting a water softener - soften to 5-6 g.p.g.  Softening to 0 g.p.g. will damage pipes and faucets.

Flushing Valves

During the summer months, the Water Division flushes hydrants.  This procedure clears the water mains of mineral build up.

Current Water Report

2023 Annual Drinking Water Report & Water Quality Data

Welcome to Waverly. Great schools. Diverse housing options. Robust job market. Top-flight indoor rec center. Outdoor recreation adventures of all kinds. Prestigious Wartburg College. And a safe and welcoming community of people who value the good life in a beautiful place.