Property Rezoning

Rezoning means changing the regulations governing how properties and structures may be used, by a comprehanisve revision or modification of the zoning text and map; a text change in zone requirement; or a change in the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the zoning map.
See Zoning to view the districts and view Code Provisions to see the applicable standards. One may view the districts as a map and find a property using the Zoning Map.
A process is followed to change the zoning district that utilizes State Code Provisions. The provisions call for review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, following a public hearing and three ordinance readings by the City Council prior to approval. The process takes approximately three (3) months from start to finish.
For an application, see Zoning Change. Feel free to consult with the Community Development Office with any questions. Click the image below to email the Community Development Office or call 319-352-9208.